Firm, Flawless & Fabulous!

Are you trying everything you know to slow down the effects of aging but it doesn’t seem to be working?

Are you truly interested in slowing down the aging process?

Ever thought about how much you spend on products & services to help slow down, stop, or reverse the aging process in yourself?

There is one option you probably haven’t considered yet & it may be the most promising of them all: hypnosis. Eliminating detrimental behaviors such as beliefs & patterns, reducing stress slows down the aging process in ways no face cream can! That’s why hypnosis is an investment in yourself & your future. Try it out! Your skin will thank you.

This Powerful Program combines hypnosis & state-of-the-art skin care from Acti-Labs Cosmeceutical Line. The combination of both will bring you fast, powerfully lasting results that no other skin care products can.

Eliminate the dangerous side effects of cosmetic surgery & the worry of the end result. Firm, Flawless & Fabulous! is safe, natural & long lasting.


Finally unlock the secret to gorgeous, vibrant, glowing skin! These sessions breakthrough the obstacles standing in the way of a beautiful & youthful face. As you listen, the powerful hypnosis & NLP exercises will tap into your subconscious mind, reversing the aging mechanisms from the inside out. You’ll find the means to adopt a healthier lifestyle that’s guaranteed to revive your skin’s natural radiant beauty.

Restore your skin’s smooth, supple, silky tones & rejuvenate your face from within.

Discover the Most Effective Secrets to Anti-Aging!

Get your copy of the Firm, Flawless & Fabulous POWERFUL Program! 

Image result for limited time offer

Offer ends July 30, 2018… Act NOW!

Feel Sexy Right NOW! The French Way.


When I was 17, I bought a book called “French Chic”. This book contained all the “secrets” french women used to feel & look sexy.

Over the years, I adapted some of their secrets, & whenever I need a “lift”, I incorporate what these french women shared.

First, what is sexy? Sexy isn’t a look or a style, it’s a state of mind. A vibration you emanate as a result of a “feeling”.  A feeling of self-worth, confidence, happiness, security in who you are. It’s not really about your skin, your clothes, your hair, if your pretty or not, or even your weight. When you are secure in who you REALLY are & embrace that person, you emanate sexiness.

Image result for confidence is sexy

So what are some of the tips these french women shared? Here are some of my favorite tips…

  1. NEVER go to bed with make up on! Take the proper steps to cleanse, tone & nourish your skin BEFORE you go to bed. They are fully aware that your body repairs itself when we sleep. Going to sleep with makeup on is sabotage to your skin

  2. ALWAYS use moisturizer. Keep your skin hydrated always! Additionally, they spritz water on their face throughout the day.

  3. DRINK plenty of water! We all know the importance of drinking enough water everyday. Water is treated as a luxury in France. Sexy French women drink a lot of water because they know it improves their skin. They use micellar water as part of their cleansing routine.

  4. PAMPER your skin, all of it! When you’re in the shower or taking a bath, exfoliate your skin with a natural scrub. They understand that our body is capable of repair itself & with proper care, you can have the best skin imaginable. They embrace the aging process, they don’t fight to look 20 forever! (This is a state of mind also). Taking care of their skin is something french women do to pamper themselves & they thoroughly enjoy it!

  5. EXFOLIATE at least once a week. French women treat their face to a mask & exfoliation at least once a week.

  6. ROUTINE skincare. While routines vary, they look something like this: cleanser, serummoisturizer, eye cream & products for specific issues such as unevenness or dullness. 

  7. LOVE your body. Take notice of how your body feels when you nurture it with lotions & creams, keeping it hydrated & soft. Show gratitude what your body has done for you over the past years. Appreciate yourself! Good skincare will always reveal better skin & French women realize this.

  8. PREVENTION. They practice prevention from their youth so they have to do less treatment later. They start on eye creams & serums in their teens or early twenties. This approach means their skin looks better longer. My aunt who lived in Paris for many years, taught me this when I was 10! She helped me come up with a skincare routine back then. Skincare routine years BEFORE makeup!

  9. WEAR Lingerie under your clothes just for you! Just doing this automatically makes you FEEL sexy! French women don’t need a special occasion for nice underwear. I discovered that underwear isn’t just underwear, it’s “lingerie” & it reflects an art of living — a philosophy dedicated to an enhanced well-being.

  10. NO FUSS Hair. They’re not fussy about hair. Have you ever noticed a french woman’s hair? They have a style, while chic, that is very much carefree. Always think “natural” & “low maintenance.” Think “sex” hair.

  11. EMBRACE your age. Rather than try to hide the fact that you’re aging, embrace it! That’s the French philosophy They do their best to protect their skin from aging but when it occurs, they don’t fight it.

  12. MASSAGE. French women painstakingly cake on product after product to keep their skin looking young & fabulous! As Americans, we tend to stop at the neck or even worse the chin. French women go beyond these two points by working the chest into their routine. By keeping your neck & chest supple you’ll increase your facial skins appearance as well.

  13. ATTITUDE towards life. French women enjoy EVERYTHING they do! It could be something as simple as walking to the Metro, buying food in a store, eating a piece of pastry, or the way she wears her clothes. It’s all about attitude. French women radiate confidence & a sexy allure, no matter what they do. She could be having the worst day possible, but no one would know it. Feel gorgeous, act gorgeous & you’ll be gorgeous.

  14. Lipstick is a french women’s girl’s best friend. They might not be into tons of makeup, but, they will ALWAYS wear lipstick!

Image result for french women

French women are known for having beautiful skin so their secrets are important! They believe in being the best they can at any age & that’s certainly a lesson we can all learn. Rather than stressing over what we don’t like about ourselves, let’s focus on the things we LOVE about ourselves, doing the best we can & be content in that!

What are your favorite secrets?

Till next time…


Create An At Home Spa…Your Soul Needs It


If you can name your emotions, you can tame them…we aren’t superhuman and we all need a breather sometimes, but between work and life commitments, it can be difficult to find the time for yourself & never mind a day at the spa! However, it’s important to take time for yourself in order to live a healthy, balanced life. You soul needs to reconnect to Source in order to keep some balance, so relax. You don’t need to give up an entire day or rack up that credit card bill to pamper yourself. Creating your own spa experience can be easy using things you may already have on hand at home. Try these ideas to relax more and stress less.


Seek Comfort in Candles

Scented wellness candles are used in spas during massages and other body treatments to help relax the mind and body. The good news is that even if you’re in a rush simply lining your vanity with some scented candles will help quiet your mind and rejuvenate your spirit. Look for candles that contain essential oils, these are my top 10 essential oils.

  1. Bergamot is used to treat stress, depression, anxiety, anorexia, and a number of infections including skin infections like psoriasis and eczema.
  2. Patchouli serves as a powerful skin care agent; it even promotes skin cell growth when applied directly to the skin. Patchouli helps to relieve anxiety, depression, fatigue, curb addiction, reduce cellulite and bloating.
  3. Eucalyptus is a powerful treatment against respiratory issues. In addition it is used as an antiseptic, antispasmodic, fight migraines &fevers, decongestant, diuretic and stimulant & helps with muscle aches and pains.
  4. , Lavender is known for its stress reliever benefits it also has the following therapeutic properties: antiseptic, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory decongestant, deodorant, diuretic and sedative.
  5. Lemon oil is a multifaceted essential oil. It helps with everything from skin irritation to digestion to circulation problems. It is a natural immunity booster and can even help reduce cellulite! Lemon oil helps to alleviate headaches and fever, and is a quick mood enhancer.
  6. Tea Tree’s healing properties are abundant. Not only is it a natural immune booster, but it also fights all three kinds of infection. It works to heal skin conditions, burns and cuts, and also works as an insecticide. In addition, it helps to soothe and treat cold sores, respiratory conditions, muscle aches, the flu, Athlete’s foot and dandruff. Its uses are vast and its healing power is quick.
  7. Peppermint oil has a number of therapeutic properties. It is a cooling agent that enhances mood, sharpens focus, combats irritation and redness, alleviates symptoms of congestion, and aids in digestion.
  8. Rose oil is an ideal essential oil to have on hand. It helps with a number of illnesses and conditions, such as depression, anxiety and digestion issues. It is also helps with circulation, heart problems and respiratory conditions like asthma. It is a protector of the heart and is also good for your skin.
  9. Ylang-Ylang oil is also used to soothe headaches, nausea, skin conditions, stimulate hair growth, reduce high blood pressure and fight intestinal problems.
  10. Sandalwood oil can help mucous membranes of the urinary tract and chest wall. It helps to alleviate chest pain. It is also used as a relaxing agent for tension relief. It is a hydration aid for the skin, as well as an anti-inflammatory.


Relax with Music

When you walk into a spa, you typically hear soft, tranquil music playing faintly in the background, and there’s good reason for that! Music is known for its ability to slow down the mind and relax the body, decreasing your heart rate as you listen. Relaxing sounds also help increase serotonin production, which helps to reduce blood pressure, increases happy thoughts and can even treat anxiety symptoms. I love listening to Enigma or any type of New Age music.  Let your mind go, don’t focus on any thoughts just be aware of any messages you may receive.


Escape with Essential Oils

Essential oils can be found in practically any spa and are used in everything from relaxing massage oils, to body scrubs and moisturizers. There are many varieties of oils that offer amazing benefits to your skin and body, such as restoring skin vitality and generating new, healthy cells. Whatever oils you choose, try to invest in natural essential oils and not the synthetic varieties, which usually don’t have the same effects as their natural counterparts. To get the benefits of essential oils at home, you can use them in your bath or fill a bowl with warm water, add a few drops of your favorite oil, then soak a washcloth in the water. Use the washcloth as a compress on your face and neck for just five minutes. Repeat as necessary, then use a towel to dry your skin. You’ll be absolutely glowing after just one application. Never apply essential oils directly to your skin. Less is best, especially if your skin is sensitive.


Ease Stress with a Massage

We all know that weekly trips to a massage therapist would be great to release unwanted tension and stress from our achy, tired muscles–but we don’t all have the time or money for that. Thankfully you can get similar relaxation benefits at home with a quick and simple scalp massage or a massage pillow. Just one scalp massage can provide deep relaxation, relieve pain in your head and neck and help ease eye strain from all that computer screen-staring. When done on an ongoing basis, scalp massages can even relieve you from chronic headaches and migraines. Don’t have a friend or spouse available to give you a scalp massage? No worries. You can find do-it-yourself scalp massagers at your favorite online retailer or health and wellness store. I love my shiatsu massager, I use it every day!


Scrub Away Unhealthy Skin

Many spas offer invigorating sugar and salt scrubs for healthy skin exfoliation purposes. And because skin is the body’s largest organ, taking care of it is very important. Our skin absorbs unhealthy toxins every day in all environments, and takes a beating when it comes to too much sun exposure. Plus, clogged pores from sweating during daily workouts can hold unwanted toxins which result in unsightly blemishes. So, the next time you’re in the shower, reach for a salt or sugar scrub, add a small amount to your sponge or washcloth and gently slough away old, dead skin cells to reveal soft, glowing, healthy skin.



Steam It Up

Steaming isn’t just a healthy way to cook your favorite veggies, is great for achieving healthy skin too! Steaming helps retain nutrients in your skin much like it does in your food. So, the next time you look in the mirror and see clogged pores or a dull complexion, steam things up to reveal brighter, healthier skin. Simply soak two small towels in hot water, drape each on either side of your face and hold for just five minutes. Pat your face dry with a clean towel and then proceed with your regular skin cleansing regimen.  I love putting a pot of water on the stove & adding a couple of drops of tea tree oil, after it boils I turn off burner & place my face over the steam…NOT too close you don’t wanna burn yourself! You’ll see results after just one steam.


Soak Away Stress

One of the most relaxing things we can do for our bodies is to take some time to soak away the stress and tension in our tired muscles–and all you need is a regular, old bathtub for that! So, the next time you have a little bit of extra time to pamper yourself, light some candles, turn on your favorite tunes, run a hot bath, put a few drops of your favorite oils, flower petals, bath salts or bubbles & lay back, shut your eyes and soak your cares, aches and pains away.  Your mind and body will be much more relaxed when you step out of the bath as opposed to your usual shower.

You know that saying….

Sing Like No One Can Hear, Dance Like No One Is Watching & Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt Before!

Take time to love yourself each day & your days will be filled with love & happiness!


Want to feel like you’ve had a LUXURIOUS spa treatment at home??

It’s as easy as one,two,three…

Step One: Use our Back-to-Basics body scrub to re-surface and rejuvenate your entire body.



Till next time……….


FaceBook Tea Party Hostesses Wanted!


I know this isn’t a product review, I need 10 hostesses who want to earn up to 15% (party total) in FREE products just to host my LIVE party on Facebook. I will supply raffle prizes, information on our ingredients & how the standards are much higher in Europe & the UK compared to the US!

I will also have LIVE tips & tricks regarding skincare, cosmetics & weight loss!  I have several themes you can choose from, just message me & I will give you the details.

Visit my Facebook page to see Acti-Labs manufacturing video! 


Top 5 Bad Habits Keeping You From Glowing Skin


Ok, here’s a little background on me: I have been a cosmetologist for over 35 years, I have been using homeopathy for inside & outside and I have been making my own mineral cosmetics and skin care products for over 3 decades! So what I’ve learned is that we have some bad habits that prevent us from having the clear, youthful, glowing skin we want. They shared some really great tips! Even if you’re committed to eating clean and using natural skin care, you’re probably guilty of at least one of these skin-sabotaging habits:

1.      Eating excess Sugar AND stay away from High Fructose Corn Syrup

A 2013 study on the connection between blood sugar and aging found that participants who had higher blood sugar levels were also rated as looking older. The sugar was aging them! There’s already so many reasons to avoid sugar (especially processed sugars like high fructose corn syrup), so this is just one more for the list. Having your blood sugar constantly spiking and then falling is an unhealthy cycle, and your skin will show it.

2.      Sleeping on pillow cases washed with toxic laundry detergent

If you’re getting enough sleep, you’re spending 1/3 of your life with your face resting on a pillow. Think about the ingredients in the laundry detergent you use. Do you want your face next to those chemicals for 1/3 of your life? Your skin (and overall health) may benefit from switching to a natural laundry detergent. Try to a void detergents with fragrance (which is proprietary information and thus the real ingredients aren’t listed on the label) and brighteners (these chemicals stay on fabric after they are washed). Also, steer clear of chemical-laden dryer sheets! Also try sleeping with a satin pillowcase, cotton tends to absorb the much needed natural oils in our skin and hair!

3.       Using unnatural makeup

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look your best, but putting on foundation, blush, concealer, and eye makeup everyday could be making your skin less healthy. Most makeup brands use ingredients that not only fail to promote a radiant complexion, but can actually compromise your health. The list of what to avoid is so long we won’t attempt to cover that today, but favoring natural mineral makeup is a good rule of thumb for avoiding these toxic ingredients. If you live in the US like I do, you’d be shocked to know there are over 1328 toxic ingredients that are banned in Europe, China, Japan and other countries, that the US only bans 11 of them, the rest is allowed in our skin care, makeup, food, etc!

4.       Not exfoliating

This one is pretty simple. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells, opening up your pore s and helping you absorb your natural serums and oils. As we get older, our rate of cell turnover decreases, so exfoliating becomes even more important. Don’t skip this important part of your skin care routine! A few times a week, use a facial scrub after you cleanse your face, then follow with your skin’s favorite moisturizer.

5.       Eating from a box

Sometimes convenience calls to us, but we can’t expect our skin to glow when we’re feeding it with lots of sodium, preservatives, and synthetic nutrient additives that we can’t actually absorb. Really nourish yourself with your food. Incorporate green smoothies and seasonal salads into your daily diet. Enjoy generous portions of both cooked and raw veggies everyday, plus some fruit, and your skin will thank you.

If you’d like a FREE skin care evaluation or more information on Acti-Labs, contact me today!

We hope you enjoy this offer and please let us know how they make you feel once you’ve tried them.

Acti-Labs are Cosmeceutical Products – Do you know the difference??

I LOVE Acti-Labs

Cosmeceuticals are the technically advanced skin care products that bridge the gap between cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, combining medical based ingredients and natural ingredients to deliver essential nutrients to the skin!

Did you know that in the US they allow 17 toxic ingredients in skincare, cosmetics &b some nutrition products that are banned in Europe, China & Japan!

Manufactured in France from OUR own labs makes Acti-Labs that much more special!


Try our skincare today!

New Skin Mask is one of my favorites!


Vesuvio Mineral Mask contains 15% Glycolic Acid and volcanic soil it helps eliminate dead cells. Basically, in regular people terms it takes the nasty little dead skin sitting on your face and leaves you with reduced winkles and overall improved skin texture.

Now as for Mount Vesuvio, I know this volcano all too well! My mother was born in Naples, Italy and lived near this volcano. So I am well aware of the benefits of this soil!

Many of the farms are based in the Bay of Naples. Much of southern Italy is formed from limestone and has poor quality soil. However, the area around Mount Vesuvius has been covered with thick layers of ash and lava from eruptions such as that of 79AD which covered Pompeii and Herculaneum with volcanic material.

My mom also told me that the danger of the volcano simply isn’t something that they consider and that it was the quality of the earth under their feet that led them to develop vineyards there – and helped them to keep their operation organic (even back then!)

The soil is formed from volcanic ash and broken down pieces of lava this is what makes it incredibly nourishing . While the ash is packed with the valuable minerals, the porous lava has another purpose – it acts as a sponge, soaking up moisture and storing it, releasing it slowly when moisture is needed.

This ash and lava is rich in minerals and nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, which are essential for cell rejuvenation.

We don’t all have time for the vigilant skin care habits of French women but indulging in a face mask provides some of the rewards of a spa facial at home. Vesuvio mask boasts an impressive list of ingredients including Volcanic soil, Maris Limus Dead Sea silt, Camellia Sinesis green tea extract & Sodium Hyaluronate.

Now for the next two words – Glycolic, Acid! Sounds a little scary? The word “Acid” alone does a bit, I know. Glycolic acid  is part of the group of active compounds known as AHA’s (alpha hydroxy acids). Derived from cane sugar: It has the smallest molecules in the group so is able to penetrate skin deeply and easily, making it the most effective for treating fine lines, acne, blackheads, dullness, oiliness etc. Using this product weekly, (in the beginning, twice a week) has seriously transformed my skin! I wish I had a before picture from a couple of years ago to really show the difference. But I will use this stuff the rest of my life!

How to use : Apply twice a week to the face and neck. Softly massage onto the skin. Avoid contact with eyes and the delicate eye contour. Leave for 10 – 20 minutes then rinse with warm water.

If you’d like to try the  Vesuvio Mineral Mask $17.00, let me know how I can help you and if you have also tried this, let me know what you think!

About Acti-Labs

Acti Labs is a French skincare, health and make up/beauty product line that offers a direct sales/network marketing opportunity to the UK, USA and Canada. When you buy from an Ambassador you are buying a product direct from the laboratory.

The message Acti Labs want to promote is affordable “surgery inspired” treatments that you can do at home. That’s nothing scary, I promise, all it means is that the products have a high amount of active ingredient in them which is what makes them work so well. For example, the collagen night cream we retail has a high amount of collagen in and because our products are sold through ambassadors there’s a lot of fee’s to be cut out meaning the money can go into sourcing the collagen rather than into other people’s pockets.

Acti Labs have a huge range of products including mineral makeup, skincare, personal care, inch loss solutions, dietary supplements and there are a fair few new products launching in the next few months in these categories. I personally really like the products because they are paraben free, not tested on animals and work really well for my skin. These opinions are based on personal use of the products. I mostly sell to friends and family and have a few regular customers however it’s possible to make a lucrative income from this business. You can sell on social media, you can leaflet/brochure drop if that’s your thing, you can discuss storing products in salons and beauticians or you can get involved in party plan. It’s important to know that your Acti Labs business is your own and as long as you are within compliance guidelines you can run the business however you like.