Top 4 Secrets To Taming Frizz Control (Especially Curly Hair)!


So if you’re like me &  have curly hair, maybe you like it, or at least you don’t mind it or maybe you don’t. Undoubtedly you get compliments on it often.

Whether you have curly hair or wavy hair you might encounter the same biggest issue…FRIZZ! Every curly-haired human being has experienced a problem with controlling frizzy hair. Chances are more likely that you have styled your hair in the morning, only to have it expand and fuzz up with the afternoon humidity. Living in South Florida I get PLENTY of humidity! Well, not to worry. Here are some top secrets for you on frizz control. Read them. Absorb them. Practice them. You’ll thank me later.  😉


So let’s start from the top. What is frizz, anyway? (Besides annoying.) Frizz can be both a noun and a verb. As a noun, frizz is the messy tangle of hair that sits upon your head from time to time. As a verb, “to frizz” means to form your hair into knots, tight curls, or some other snag. I have no idea why someone would *want* to frizz her hair (some straighties still tease their hair!). Still, it’s the result of a mess of hair atop your head. In order to know how to control frizzy hair, first we must talk a bit about what causes it in the first place. When your hair looks “frizzy,” what’s really happening is that it’s trying to curl. “Well, it’s already curly,” you say. Yeah, but it wants to curl more, and you can help it curl more and frizz less when you understand what’s going on up there!! 

The outer layer of each hair strand, called the cuticle, is like shingles on a roof. The ideal placement for them is to lie flat. When your hair is exposed to water, the cuticle opens up a bit, trying to absorb that water as much as possible. Curls crave moisture, and moisture comes from water; so what’s happening is that the hair is wanting a drink! So, in order to prevent this from happening, your best bet is to give your curls a drink beforehand. In fact, regular watering is best, just like with a plant. If you start out with enough moisture in your hair your hair won’t try to absorb the water from the air as much. Maintaining moisture levels is key in order to avoid frizzy hair.

Did you know that there are different types of frizz?

  • SURFACE FRIZZ is frizz you get only on the outside of your hair (not underneath).

  • HALO FRIZZ is only on the crown of your head but doesn’t appear elsewhere.

  • IN-THE-CURL FRIZZ kills the look of smooth curls as it frizzes its way through them.

OK so now we know what the 411 is on FRIZZ, so how do we fix this?

First, deep conditioning once a week is key! Maintain the moisture in your hair.


  1. ALWAYS apply ANY styling products to WET HAIR ONLY!

Forget about those instructions on the product bottle that say “towel-dry hair and apply a small amount from roots to ends.” For curly & wavy frizzy hair, the best and only way to style hair is the exact opposite of that. (Curly hair is the opposite of most, so it makes sense, right?) So take your products into the shower with you, after rinsing your conditioner, (I never rinse out all the conditioner, I leave some in) and rinse with the coldest water you can stand to close the cuticle and seal it in. Immediately apply your styling product while hair is still soaking wet, this locks in moisture and frizz out! Apply from top to mid-shaft to ends first to evenly coat, then apply more to unruly areas, and very little at the root and around the hairline then scrunch from ends upward. Leave your hair alone to dry (DON’T touch!)

2. Don’t Shampoo Every Day

Curly, kinky and wavy hair needs the natural oils from your scalp to reduce frizz. No more than four washes every week is good. For your off days, go do the rinse and conditioner route.


If there’s one tip repeated by just about every expert, it’s this: avoid brushing hair after it dries. Brushing not only disrupts your hair’s cuticle, it can also stretch hair, leading to breakage. Instead ONLY comb, or finger-comb it when wet, apply Anti-Frizz product & other styling products… Then…don’t touch. If you like the way they look at that point, you will still like the way they look when they dry!

4. Let Hair Dry & Scrunch Curls Out

Don’t panic if your hair seems a bit crunchy. This is what you want; this is a BIG key to avoiding frizzy hair! Styling this way makes it easy to get rid of the crunch, and here’s how. As much as you can, let your hair dry 100%. If you get to work and it’s still slightly damp, it’s not the end of the world. Just be extra gentle with it. But hypothetically, let’s say you have time to let your hair dry all the way; flip your head over and scrunch (ends to roots, you know the drill) until your curls feel soft! It’s that simple. And the drier your hair is, the more you can fluff it and not have to worry about frizz. (Trust me, I’ve tested it!) What you have left is soft, bouncy, frizz-free and crunch-free curls.


Try Acti-Labs’ new Frizz Police!  

Smooth, styling cream enriched with minerals to control your style and boost hair health. This melting texture spreads easily through the hair without build up to control Frizz.

So there you have it. Now you know my secrets to frizz control for curly or wavy hair. Don’t just take my word for it; try them out for yourself! The next time you get caught in an unexpected rainstorm, you might just run inside, look in the mirror, and smile!

Till next time……….

Nurture Yourself By Adding Dry Brushing To Your Daily Ritual!


What is dry brushing?

Dry brushing is exactly what it sounds like… brushing the skin in a particular pattern with a dry brush, usually before showering.  In dry brushing, the skin is brushed toward the heart, starting at the feet & brushing toward the chest.

Why dry brush? What are the benefits?

There are many benefits to dry brushing. Take a look what dry brushing can do for you:

  • Re-energizes the skin by exfoliating
  • Stimulates blood flow & natural healing
  • Facilitates detoxification
  • Increases circulation & promotes blood flow
  • Reduces cellulite
  • Improves immune health
  • Reduces inflammatory
  • Improves muscle tone as a result of increased blood flow
  • Stimulates lymphatic system
  • Increases cell renewal
  • Aids in digestion
  • Improves kidney function
  • Tightens skin
  • Increases energy
  • Makes you feel great!

Yes a simple process of dry brushing your skin will provide these benefits! I just started adding dry brushing to my body wraps…Can’t wait to see how this maximizes my results. I DO see a difference already!


How to Dry Brush the Skin:

  1. Starting at the feet, brush the bottoms of the feet and up the legs in long, smooth strokes. I typically brush each section of skin 10 times. For lymph flow, always brush toward the heart/chest area where the lymph system drains. As a good rule of thumb, always brush toward the center of the body.
  2. Repeat the same process with the arms, starting with the palms of the hands and brushing up the arm toward the heart. Again, brush each section of skin 10 times.
  3. On the stomach and armpits, brush in a circular clockwise motion.
  4. Repeat the process on the abdomen and back. On the face use a more delicate brush (there are facial brushes, the are smaller & softer).

Note: Don’t brush too hard! A soft and smooth stroke often works best. Your skin will be slightly pink after brushing, this is from the increased blood flow, but it should never be red or sting. If it hurts at all, use less pressure! Too much is NOT better!!

Brush before showering and moisturize after showering. I love our New Collagen Body Lotion.

I recommend washing the brush every few weeks to remove dead skin cells.

Let me know if you use dry brushing in your regimen & what benefits you’ve noticed.

Till next time………….